Tuesday, March 31, 2009

April 2009 Prayer Bulletin

Hello Praying Partners!

The earth is shaking, but the Lord and His people are to stand strong and firm! This is our chance to learn how to remain balanced and upright!

We have so much happening that we want to begin to share prayer requests and answers through short prayer "bulletins". We will be sending them out and will include links to our "blog" as well as an attachment for full reports and pictures.Those who support us financially always get an update with their receipt in the post as well as on line.


MASSACHUSETTS: We are looking forward to seeing everyone there April 19-29 and please check, at the end of this bulletin, to see where we will be speaking! We have dates available, please contact us if you would like us to speak at your meeting, big or small

HEAL OUR LAND - we have been working with the encouragement of composers Jimmy and Carol Owens adapting their dynamic, interactive prayer event "Heal Our Land" to address the challenges of today's British Church. During last month's visit to the UK, Liz met in London with a record company, producer and musical director to discuss recording the project. Please pray for a prompt decision regarding the way forward.

GRANTS- We have applied for 2 grants for big projects in the UK this year. We need prayer for favor and God's will to be done!

TELEVISION - Liz gave an important interview on Genesis AND Revelation TV in the UK. It will be aired the week of the 4th May. It is called "IN CONVERSATION" - We will both be interviewed May 4 by Sheri Ketner in LIMA, OH on WTLW channel 44 "Grace for Today" 10:00am www.wtlw.com (see the 2 programs we will be recording online after the program airs - follow local programming links to "Grace for Today".)

UK - In May, we will be attending the Churches Together in England Evangelism Consultation in London. Liz has been invited to lead worship at the Christian Booksellers Convention at the Christian Resources Exhibition at Sandown Racecourse 12-15th May with UK Evangelical Alliance Leader, Steve Clifford. Pray that these relationships will lead to fruitful partnerships for the Kingdom. We will also be hosting the Sharing Show again featuring a "Heal Our Land" stand. Please come up and see us.

LOVE ASHFORD - Following that, we will be in Ashford, Kent from the 17th -23rd for another 'LOVE ASHFORD' followed by another "Cultural Extravaganza". Two of our team members are unable to join us. Pray for loyal evangelists, Jack and Joyce Hayes. JOYCE has recently become ill with heart problems. Our son JOSH and daughter RACHEL will be joining us for Love Ashford and also Syd's Mum's 90th birthday celebrations in N. Ireland! Syd is pleased to report that she is much better than just a month ago.

NICARAGUA (13-21st June 2009) - So far we have 25 members on our team this year. A 7 man Bike Ride team under Syd. A 13 person Youth Team, under Mike Nelsen from Waterford Foursquare church, and this year we also have Joel Schweibert, who will be introducing a Baseball clinic for many enthusiastic young baseball fans there. Liz's hairdresser, Zola is joining us to offer hairdressing and beauty clinics. Long time friend, Monica Cook from Rural Sunrise ministries in the UK is joining us to train children's workers and Nancy Honeytree and Liz will be leading our annual pastor's wives retreat and 4 major Releasing Daughters Conferences in cities around the country.

Thank you to those who already have donated 30 new Bikes for senior pastors!Last year we took a record 123 Bikes - PLEASE HELP US TO BEAT THAT RECORD!!!! We purchase the bikes in Nicaragua. Each bike costs $100.00 with a full year warranty.

Just make checks to: "Nations Light Ministries" please!

If you would like to help us sponsor a pastor's wife to come to the Retreat or help finance the Releasing Daughters Conferences just indicate it on the gift you send.


Syd has a new tract published and has enclosed two free copies for you. It is called 'The Volunteer' and is a true story. It is a 'Thank you' to all our servicemen but in particular to those who may have been born outside our nations and have volunteered to serve alongside indigenous personnel. Syd says,"It is also in Spanish because I wanted to thank that Nicaraguan father who gave his son in Iraq. I am not someone who is shy about supporting our military. I also know that if God could give me salvation when I was in the military then He can save many more service personnel today. These need to get into their hands. If you want more, tell me but better still directly contact Foursquare Press and make a donation to them. "

TRAINING BASE - There is an opportunity to purchase a large house that is bank owned for a training base. This 12 room house with a 4 room carriage house and 2 car garage with a room that can seat 50 for lectures is available for $100,000. It is located on 1.3 acres in our village. Please pray for permission to be given to change the zoning on it as well as for finances for the purchase of it. We have been praying to open something like this for 3 years.


In the fields,

Syd & Liz Doyle



2 St Paul Lutheran, Blissfield, MI Lenten Brunch 9:30am - everyone welcome!
5 New Hope, Waterford, MI Nicaragua Team Building
19 Faith Fellowship, Uxbridge, MA Sunday Service
24 Faith Fellowship Uxbridge, MA Ladies Meeting
26 Victory In Christ, Worcester, MA Sunday Service
29 Triumphant Life Church, Worcester, MA mid-week meeting

4 "Grace for Today" filming and broadcast Lima, OH 10:00am "In Conversation" Revelation TV UK 11:00pm
5 "In Conversation" Revelation TV UK 5:30am Fly to UK
6 "In Conversation" Revelation TV UK 9:00am
7 Evangelism Consultation, London "In Conversation" Revelation TV UK 6:30am 9:00pm
8 "In Conversation" Genesis TV UK 3:00pm Revelation TN UK 12noon
9 Foursquare France Convention
10 Foursquare France Convention "In Conversation" Genesis TV UK 8:30am, 4:30pm Revelation TV UK 7:00am
11 Back from France
12 - 15 Christian Resources Exhibition and Christian Booksellers Convention http://www.cbcltd.co.uk/2007speakers.htm
16 N. Ireland
17-24 Love Ashford
31 return to USA

12 - 21 Nicaragua Mission


CHRISTIAN RESOURCES EXHIBITION - UK - www.creonline.co.uk/exhibitions
CHRISTIAN BOOKSELLERS CONVENTION -UK- www.cbcltd.co.uk/2007speakers.htm
JOSH DOYLE TOUR DATES UK - http://www.joshdoyle.com/
FOURSQUARE MISSIONS PRESS (To order tracts)- fmp@foursquare.org
Releasing Daughters of the Last Days
P.O. Box 155, Dundee, MI 48131
Email: nationslight@cs.com


Make checks payable to: Nations Light Ministries EIN 56-2102293

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