Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Let your life shine in 2009!

We thank you for the invaluable support we have been given over the past year! With your help we have ministered in 6 states, traveled to UK 4 times, sponsored 123 bikes for Pastors in Nicaragua where we conducted evangelistic outreaches and Pastors’ wives Retreats.  In Mexico we spoke at several churches and 2 Bible Colleges and Liz led a Pastors wives.   We estimate 350 people gave their lives to Jesus throughout the year and many more were baptized in the Holy Spirit and accepted the challenge to live a lifestyle of evangelism.


 UK – cross cultural ministry in Leicester and Ashford, Kent amongst Muslims and Hindus.

Large Evangelistic outreach in Ashford, Kent.

Nicaragua Evangelistic outreaches, 123 bikes to Pastors and Pastors’ wives Retreat

Mexico – speaking in several churches, 2 Bible Colleges and Pastors’ wives Retreat

USA – ministered in 6 states, including cross cultural ministry in Dearborn, MI

Praying with Mexican students as they prepare to go on the mission field.


Plans are underway for a series of events in the UK, Nicaragua, USA and Mexico.  Please visit our website for more details.

 Dates for prayer:

 January: (in Michigan/Ohio/Indiana, available 18th and 25th)

4         River of Life, Dundee, MI – then every Wed. evening through Feb.11- Book of Acts

11     New Hope Christian Fellowship, Waterford, MI

31   Ignite Flint, Flint, MI

February: (in Michigan/Ohio/Indiana available 8th), (Charlotte, NC and Atlanta, GA)

1         Ignite Flint, Flint, MI

15     – 25 Charlotte, NC

       18 – 23 Liz in Atlanta, Syd in Charlotte (available 22nd)                                              

March – (in Ohio, England, possibly Pakistan)

         6 to UK & Pakistan

         16 to USA (available for ministry throughout USA through April

April: USA

May:  USA UK

11 – 15  Christian Resource Exhibition, Esher, Surrey

16     – 24 Love Ashford Outreach, Kent

25 – 28 Foursquare Convention, Anaheim, CA


6– 14  Mexico (possible bike mission)

15 – 22 Nicaragua bike mission, Pastor’s wife retreat, Releasing Daughters Conferences


We are also hoping to complete Syd’s book and DVD series on the Book of Acts as well as be involved in the facilitation of churches coming together in the UK for evangelism,  (more on that to follow).  Liz will be working on more Pastors’ wives Retreats and would love to see Releasing Daughters Conferences n the USA.


Please keep us in your prayers….”Let your life shine in 2009”

In the Fields,

Syd & Liz Doyle


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Trip to UK

Another year is nearly over, and what a year it has been. The nations are being shaken, but those of us who know Jesus belong to a Kingdom that can never be shaken who has a King who is all powerful and all loving! This Christmas time we remember that we serve a God who gave us His most precious gift that we might have eternal life.


Liz traveled to the UK to join 80 Political, Business and Church Leaders consulting together at the House of Lords on Thursday 11th December in response to the current Financial Crisis. The unity of the Holy Spirit was there as they met for over 2 hours consulting together in response to the current Financial Crisis.

Senior church leaders were from the Methodist, Baptist, United Reformed, Anglican, Assembly of God, Elim as well as Operation Mobilization, Ichthus, Pioneer, CARE, Evangelical Alliance and even the Protestant Truth Society. There were many more, from Nigerian and Afro Caribbean Churches, Indian and Korean. Other para church groups were represented, as well as prayer networks.

Liz was asked to be one of the speakers (several were invited to share for 3 - 5 minutes each on what they felt the Lord was saying). She chose to comment at the end of the meeting.

“I was privileged to bring a short word encouraging evangelism as well as prayer and shared a picture/dream I had. I saw crowds of people surging toward a precipice. A voice shouted “REPENT”. The believers in the crowd turned around toward the voice and saw it was Jesus. They linked arms and found that they were many! Just as police stop a surge at a sporting event, so the crowd was stopped and the believers saw that the people they were facing were a very different group from 20 years ago. They were from many nations, brought to the UK to meet Jesus. They also realized the people they were linked to were also from many nations. Jesus was asking us to minister together to these people. I said I believed the reason we had these problems in the west was because of our silence. How can they hear without a preacher and we needed to repent of our silence.”

The general consensus was that a declaration would be drawn up that stated something like this:

1) The current financial crisis is primarily the result of the pursuit of moral choices and values that are not based on those of the Kingdom of God; and we Christian leaders repent of our share of responsibility for the failure to communicate these values into the nation.

2) We are under judgment and as judgment begins in the House of God, so does repentance.

3) We are calling all churches in Britain to observe a season of prayer from New Year's Day to Easter 2009 for prayer and calling upon God for the transformation of the nation.

Please pray as we seek the Lord about how to practically implement this declaration. Also we need a follow up to bring about a program of repentance, prayer and commissioning.

By the way, on the same day in Westminster, our friend's church building that is in danger of being closed and sold by the Church of England to a business man to become a spa was spared for the time being as the planners in Westminster denied the businessman permission to change the use. Your prayers were again effective in the area! "The fervent effectual prayer of the righteous availeth much" (even more than we expected!)

We have been blessed by our wonderful prayer and financial supporters. You have kept us “on the field” and available to serve where it has been most needed. We are thankful for our continued health and strength to be able to travel and facilitate ministries around the world.

Have a Happy Christmas and Fruitful New Year,

Syd & Liz Doyle

Please pray for us as we minister in:
Dec. 28 Mooresville, NC - Living Waters
Jan. 11 Waterford, MI - New Hope Christian Fellowship
Jan. 31 – Feb. 1 Flint, MI - Ignite Flint Foursquare Church

Monday, December 8, 2008

Thanks for your Prayers!

Dear Prayer Warriors!

Again your prayers gave us "air supremacy" and made way for our "ground troops" to share the love of Jesus with our Muslim friends in Dearborn. It was not as cold as expected, there had been light snow most of the day and we arrived at night to meet with about 200 others to go Caroling to our neighbors in the predominately Muslim area.

Our Nations Light team of 28 people from both Ohio and Michigan had the opportunity to pray at 15 homes. We called this "extreme prayer walking"!

We would knock the door, sing a carol and ask if the family would likeprayer for anything. We were able to pray at every home for God's blessing on the family, for happiness or the children's education. Then we left a gift bag with candy and testimonies in Arabic of Muslims meeting Christ and sang,' We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!'

Children in upstairs windows listened and identified with Rosalind our little Mexican girl, who looked just like them, and she gave them gift bags!

We were invited into Sandy's home. She had just moved from California and her Lebanese mother, in traditional dress, was visibly touched when Sue prayedfor her in the loss of her daughter. She then offered us some food from the well spread table in the front room.

After about two hours caroling, as we were preparing to return to the church, we met a man and his two sons who had come from their home to see what we were doing. We sang to him in the street and in broken English he explained that he had just been in America two months. He told us how his 12 year old son had been kidnapped by an Osama gang in Iraq. He had to get a lot of money to buy his son's release. He said the walls were splattered in blood. The son was very happy to be safe and in school in America! When asked what they would like a prayer of blessing for, the father said,..' but I am Muslim.' Syd responded,' ...but don't Muslims need blessing too?' He laughed and agreed and we prayed together.

We came back to join the other Carolers for refreshments and to report back. We knew that you our prayer partners had been supporting us. The doors where literally opened to us! We also discovered that one lady regularly 'prayer walked' the street we visited! When we shared our testimonies she was thrilled and praised the Lord.

Please continue to pray for the gifts we left, that the Holy Spirit will nurture the seeds of love and salvation we deposited and that these special guests, who have come to our nation will get to know Christ, the Savior of the World. '....He determined the ...exact places where they should that men would seek Him and find him...'Acts 17:26,27.


Special thanks to those who have sent extra gifts this Christmas season, not only to us, but to Haroon and Aster in Pakistan and to Victor and Angela in Nicaragua!

We are all so very thankful as it helps us get our accounts settled before we begin a New Year!


Thursday, Liz will be in London, England at Westminster for an important meeting with leaders

Please intercede for her in the morning (9:00 -11:30am EST USA).

Thanks again so much, we appreciate you all so much!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Jan & Greg Milsap's story

Greg and Jan organized the latest ministry in Mexico for us, here is their story:

When Syd and Liz Doyle come to your church you never know what's going to happen.

We definitely didn't know how God was going to use them when they spoke at our church in Charlotte the spring of 2001. At the end of the service they casually mentioned an upcoming trip to Nicaragua to bring bicycles and invited anyone who wanted to come along. A sister in the church turned to my husband and told him she felt he needed to go, and wrote a check for his trip right on the spot.

That summer, my husband went along to Masatepe, Nicaragua and saw what God was doing there. We had always known we were called to missions, but not specifically where, and he felt like this may have been the place, but he waited on the Lord and didn't tell me.

The following April, 2002, I accompanied Liz to Nicaragua on an Impact Week trip, to speak to ladies all over Nicaragua. I could not stop thinking about the place, the people, the pastors, and the work of God there. When I came home, I waited a while for my "missions high" to come down and yet the country never left my heart and mind. That summer, we began talking about and praying about moving there to work with the Benitez family and help them out with their school.One year later, after having sold everything we owned, we embarked with our three young sons on the adventure of a lifetime!

June 15, 2003 was the start of our missions life and we have loved it ever since. We have had the opportunity to see the Doyles many times since, as they have travelled to Nicaragua and to Mexico, where we now live. For me, it has been so exciting to watch the seeds grow that have been sown by the Doyles during their visits.

What a privilege to see the long-lasting fruit. Seeing women released into their callings, growing in them, and blossoming as a result of the push they receive from a retreat, a women's conference, or service where Liz speaks.

Counseling Mexicans or Nicaraguans who want to be missionaries to the Muslim world as a result of Syd's teachings. There are many ways God has used them, and I'm so thankful to the Lord for the way He has used them in our lives - to introduce us to the people and the places where we have now formed our lives and ministries.

Jan Millsaps
El Carmen, Nuevo Leon, Mexico

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Full Circle

Today we shared in the Emmanuel Methodist Church in Blissfield, Michigan. 44 years ago this week, while a little girl attending a Methodist church in Union City, Michigan, I heard a "still small voice" saying that I would be a preacher someday. My reaction was..."but I am a girl!" Just this week I was ordained to preach the Gospel... an ordination... recognizes what you are already doing and the gift of God in you. Interesting that I found myself again in a Methodist Church in Michigan the Sunday after my ordination! That still small voice was right! It was the voice of God.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Syd & Liz ordained

After 6 years of being licensed with Foursquare we were ordained Tues. evening in front of 800 people. Pastor Ken Authier, his wife Sandra and other Pastors from the Michigan District prayed for us. Our long time friends, Sharon Barth Schaubert and her daughter Christine, Nancy and Bob Rhea surprised us with their presence.

We were further blessed as we had lunch with the President of Foursquare, Pastor Jack Hayford where we discussed what is happening in the UK.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Syd and I are being ordained Tues. Oct. 28 at Life Bridge Church, Ft. Wayne, IN. Its wonderful to have so many friends around us from the last 25 years!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Belfast pictures

The elections

Just got off the radio here in Toledo, Ohio today speaking about the Obama /Muslim connection. Had a great time. Senator Obama is here in Toledo so it seemed timely. Hopefully some were listening.

We are on another radio program next week, we are hoping to have Dr. Clifford Hill with us by phone about the Muslim agenda and the part Senator Obama is playing either through naivety or by design.

Today I spoke about what is happening in the UK and the failure of the church to give a strong biblical lead resulting in the Islamists pushing their agenda of global takeover. I read a couple excerpts from a "Newsweek" article we picked up in the British Oct. 6 edition.

The article says that after his trip to Pakistan with his college room mate, Mohammed Hasan Chandoo, the now Senator Obama, became more acutely aware of the diversity and tensions within the Muslim world. "Both as a consequence of living in Indonesia and traveling in Pakistan... I was very clear about the history of Shia-Sunni antagonism".

Obama's confidence of his knowledge of the Muslim world is so great that he has proposed holding a global summit of Muslim leaders early in his presidency. "I think I can speak credibly to them about the fact that I respect their culture, that I understand their religion, that I have lived in a Muslim country, and as a consequence I know it is possible to reconcile Islam with modernity and respect for human rights and rejection of violence. I think I can speak with an added credibility."

I commented further on Obama's Muslim roots (as the son of a Muslim father, he was born a Muslim under Muslim law as it is universally understood), he says he has chosen to be a Christian, which is a crime in the eyes of Muslims, "ridda" or apostasy. Even today a law is being debated in the Iranian Parliament that would execute anyone who leaves the Muslim faith.

As an apostate, why does he think he would be listened to?

I didn't have time to raise further questions such as, "If he is an apostate, why would so many radical groups endorse him? Hamas, April 16, 2008 "He has a vision to change America"; Fidel Castro, "He is the most advanced candidate"; Mahmoud Ahmedinejah to Spain's El Pais newspaper, He didn't believe Obama would be elected, but that "He wouldn't have a problem meeting with him if he were." Louis Farrakhan: ""When Obama talks, the Messiah is absolutely speaking..."

I stressed the need for prayer and thoughtful consideration of who we are voting for in light of this information. I stressed the urgency of reaching the Muslims for Christ in our communities as God loves them and brought them here to introduce them to Jesus. I commented on our failure to reach these Muslim leaders with the Gospel, many of them trained in western universities, while they were here.

So we are trying to move with the Holy Spirit as He is opening doors!

Thanks for praying!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Belfast N. Ireland

Today we visited the place we met in Corn Market, Belfast, N. Ireland. We took pictures we will post soon. It made me think of all the wonderful ways the Lord has blessed us through the years.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008

Our Grandchildren

We are blessed to have 3 beautiful Grandchildren. Today I called Lauren to ask how pre school was going and the first words to come out of her mouth were "How is Rachel doing?" How sweet and kind she is. The first thing uppermost in her mind was the well being of her aunt Rachel.

We are so proud of our children and their spouses, raising kind hearted children who love Jesus. Our prayer is that everyone reading this blog wil have the same experience in their families. If you have strayed from the path the Lord would have you walk on, get back on it. Bring joy to your parents and love to your children, most of all bring deep joy to Jesus who gave His life so we could have the greatest life of all.

Our grandson Reuben with Grandad!

Kyla is just over a week old!

Lauren's first day at pre-school

Friday, August 29, 2008

We have a new Granddaughter

Kyla Elizabeth Martinez was born yesterday at 11:49am. She is the prettiest baby in the hospital! Raul & Rachel are thrilled!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hereabouts: Centerville grad's career is ministry

Hereabouts: Centerville grad's career is ministry

The Dayton Daily News published and article about Liz's ministry. Read it here by clicking on the link above!

So thankful for prayer partners!

Prayer partners in Ohio, Georgia & N. Carolina

We have been blessed to meet up with people who pray for us. Our thanks to so many of you who remember us in your prayers EVERY DAY! Please keep Rachel in your prayers as she is now 39 weeks pregnant!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Still waiting for the new baby

Hello Everyone

We are still waiting for the baby! Been visiting friends in Charlotte and celebrating our 35th anniversary today!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Dad and Daughter 38 weeks and 2 days

We are in Charlotte, NC waiting for the baby to arrive! Rachel is due next week and we celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary on Monday! Sunday we are preaching at Living Waters Church in Mooresville, NC. If you are free come and see us at 10:00am!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Summer Missions 2008

We had wonderful missions this summer. Join us next year! Already we have 12 bikes promised for Nicaragua and dates for England 2009. Let us know if you would like to join us next year!

Honeytree in concert with her family

If you are a Honeytree fan you will remember her "Melodies in Me" Album. She makes mention of her family. We were thrilled to be in the audience of a concert featuring ALL of the family! Her Mom, Mary, and her sister Kathy and her daughter, Hannah visited us in England in the 80's. They were all here joined by Nancy's Dad, Bill and other sister, Jane!

Just in ...Pictures from YWAM Discipleship Training School

Here are the great group of YWAM students we were teaching last week. They were from USA, UK, Denmark, S. Korea, Canada and Germany. Syd spoke on Cross Cultural Ministry and Islam. Liz taught on Evangelism.
Syd & Liz joined the team as they witnessed in "Little Five Points" Atlanta.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Syd & Liz at the Grand Ole Opry

What a great evening at the "Grand Ole Opry" in Nashville! Thanks to George Hamilton IV for the invitation! Connie Smith sang a beautiful Gospel song.

We've had a great time in the south

Marti Wynn, Mom Preston, Liz

We have had a great couple of weeks in Nashville, visiting our son Josh and his wife Jenny and their 2 we were invited to be backstage at the Grand Ole Opry as guests of our friend, George Hamiltion IV. What a great experience!

We had a great time at YWAM Atlanta with the Murton's and visited churches that are led by long standing friends.

Friends we met up with in the last few weeks:

Marti Wynn Daum - Now living in Alaska, Marti is a friend from Liz's High School years in Centerville, Ohio. Liz introduced her to Jesus and she went on to be a missionary in Jamaica, Peru and Alaska.

How exciting to turn around in church at Cross Point Vineyard, Centerville, and find Marti had dropped in to say "hi". It was the first time we had seen each other since 1972!

Marcia Hobday Brown - Best friends in elementary school in Union City, Michigan, Marcia is a teacher in Atlanta. Liz looked her address up and found we were preaching in a church only about 5 miles from her present home! Marcia and Liz hadn't seen each other for 30 years!

Gary & Marge Anthony - In 1985 the Anthony's visited us in England for 3 months. As a result of that visit their children were introduced to missions and all have been seriously engaged in missions around the world since. Pastor Mark Anthony, Pastor of Trinity Christian Fellowship, where we were preaching Wed. received his call to ministry in Ashford during that trip.

John & Cathy Cosenza/Kim & Chip Underwood - Friends since our days in Charlotte, it was great to meet up with them. Kim went with me to Nepal some years ago.

Jack & Stephanie Wolfe - Pastors of "My Epic Faith" we last met up 24 years ago when they came on mission to the UK. We shared in their service Sunday and were blessed by their incredible hospitality.

Nancy Honeytree's family including Mary Henigbaum and all the rest!- We last saw the family 8 years ago. The whole family came together for a fabulous concert last night...reminicent of their visit to England decades ago!

Now we are in Charlotte waiting for Rachel & Raul's baby. Please keep her in prayer!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Atlanta, GA - 08-08-08

We've had a wonderful time teaching a DTS at YWAM Atlanta with leaders Jeff and Sue Murton from ACF in England. For some of you that may not be familiar with YWAM, it stands for "Youth With A Mission", an interdenominational mission group started by Loren Cunningham 40 years ago.
Twenty one young people are on a mission across the USA having lectures and involved in street mission.